Minimally Invasive Lumbar Microdecompression

What is a Minimally Invasive Lumbar Microdecompression?

This minimally invasive procedure is used to remove overgrown vertebral bone and soft tissue to relieve the compression of nerve roots in the lumbar spine. By carefully removing any excess bone or ligament tissue from around the nerve root(s), the source(s) of the pressure causing the pain are relieved.

How is a Minimally Invasive Lumbar Microdecompression performed?

In this procedure, a small incision (usually 1 inch) is made directly above the damaged spinal disc. A thin wire is inserted through the incision and a series of dilators are lowered down to the spine over the wire. A tubular retractor goes over the dilators and wire then the dilators and wire are removed, creating a working channel that leaves muscle tissue intact.

Next, a small operative microscope is used to visualize the affected area. Small surgical instruments are used to remove any excess bone or ligament tissue applying pressure to the nerve root.

The working channel can then be repositioned to access the opposite site of the vertebra without creating a new incision in the skin to determine if further decompression is necessary. This ensures that the nerve roots on both sides of the vertebra are completely free of obstruction.

In most cases a Minimally Invasive Lumbar Microdecompression can be performed on an outpatient basis due to the reduced trauma to the spine and muscular structures. In fact, most patients are up and walking shortly after this procedure and physical therapy will begin within a few days of the procedure, if needed.