No sport puts more stress on the spine than golf. And, because the game is played by people of all ages, spine injuries are very common. Most golfers, at some point in their career, will sustain a back injury of some kind whether it be a strain, sprain or something more serious. Here are some of the most common:

Lower Back Ligament Sprains and Muscle Strains

 Repetitive twisting, turning and torqueing of the lower back muscles while during the backswing and follow through commonly results in sprains and strains. The symptoms of pain, swelling and weakness present to varying degrees. Treatment of these symptoms is relatively easy—reducing time spent practicing/playing for 2-6 weeks is usually effective. If it isn’t, other treatment options include:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDS)
  • Physical therapy
  • A lower back brace

In the worse case scenario, unresolved symptoms might call for some time away from the game.

Vertebral Disc Injuries 

A golfer’s setup requires an excessive amount of spinal flexion. On the back swing, the flexed spine is loaded, which puts pressure on the discs and makes them susceptible to injury. The two most common types of injuries are:

  1. A bulging disc. A portion of the disc protrudes into the spinal canal. The spinal cord may or may not be pinched. Symptoms may or may not occur.
  2. A herniated disc. The outer ring of the disc protrudes into the spinal canal. The spinal cord is usually pinched. Pain, burning, numbness, and weakness usually occur.

Illustration 1– A normal vs. herniated disc

 The best way to prevent vertebral disc injuries is a comprehensive physical therapy program aimed at stretching and strengthening all the muscles involved in the golf swing. Also, proper swing technique is highly encouraged.

Diagnosing and Treating Golf Related Spine Injuries

Self-diagnosis of golf related spine injuries isn’t a good idea. If you think you have any of the above sports related injuries, please contact our NYC office to arrange an appointment.

Dr. Patrick Senatus is a Board Certified Neurosurgeon in New York City with extensive experience in Minimally Invasive and Restorative Spine Surgery. Dr. Senatus employs a personalized patient-centered approach that prioritizes optimum functional outcome and well-being. Each consultation begins with a comprehensive evaluation by Dr. Senatus designed to create an individualized evidence based treatment plan which includes the patient, family, and collaborating providers.

Following a conservative treatment philosophy, Dr. Senatus offers his patients solutions using the most advanced minimally invasive spine surgery. His approach is to perform the most effective and least invasive intervention available, specifically tailored to each patient, guided by the principal that surgical options be considered only after all reasonable non-operative therapies have been exhausted. Returning his patients to a functional pain free lifestyle is the ultimate objective.